Your organization needs inspiring and inclusive Leaders
More About Me
Davide is a trilingual multicultural professional who combines over 20 years of experience in human resources with his unique abilities as a certified leadership and career coach and facilitator within complex and structured organizations. He is the founder of Aethos Coaching, a company dedicated to helping individuals and teams align their natural talents with their goals and passions, so they can become courageous and inspiring leaders who achieve ambitious and fulfilling objectives.
Certified Professional Co-Active® Coach (CPCC) at CTI
Professional Certified Coach (PCC) at ICF
Certified EQ-i 2.0/360

A Journey Of Change
Davide’s journey is characterized by change, risk and diversity. He was born and raised in Milan, Italy, where he obtained his Master's degree in Law in 2004. From the early stages of his career, he was drawn to the diversity of countries and cultures, leading him to live and work in various European countries such as Belgium, Romania, and France. In 2007, he decided to embark on an even greater challenge in his life and career by moving to Canada, specifically to the bilingual city of Montreal. As a new Canadian resident, he was willing to take a step back from strategic roles to gain local experience and prove his abilities. Within a few years, he rapidly climbed the ladder, building a successful career in HR leadership positions.
For nearly 15 years, Davide worked within large global companies, holding HR leadership roles. He closely collaborated with executives, inspiring them to create visionary and innovative strategies. He provided support, coaching, and collaboration to senior executives and teams, helping them reach their full potential in diverse sectors such as pharmaceutical, finance and banking, cosmetics, and consumer goods.
Following his corporate career, Davide decided to venture into entrepreneurship. In 2016, he founded Aethos Coaching with the specific aim of working in-depth and comprehensively in the area where he excels: helping organizations transform their employees into inspiring, courageous, and visionary leaders. As a certified coach, Davide also developed expertise in the specific field of career coaching, supporting professionals who feel a lack of fulfilment and purpose and need guidance in discovering the career path aligned with who they are. Through proven methods and personalized approaches, he assists his clients in exploring their skills, defining career goals, and making informed decisions to achieve professional success and fulfillment.
Davide is passionate about his work and firmly believes in the potential of each individual to become an exceptional leader. With his extensive knowledge of human resources, experience in career coaching and leadership, and his ability to navigate complex environments, he empowers his clients to develop their skills, strengthen their self-confidence, and achieve remarkable results.

Consultante en mobilisation de potentiel humain et accompagnement organisationnel
Cela a été un immense plaisir de travailler avec Davide : sympathique, à l’écoute, il travailler avec énormément d’empathie et de discernement. Il a su mettre en place un accompagnement à la juste mesure de mon besoin, en respectant mon rythme, et tout en me faisant trouver les réponses qui font avancer. Il exerce sa pratique dans un parfait équilibre entre travail d’introspection et plan d’action. Chaque chose en son temps!
Je me suis laissée guider et accompagner en totale confiance. Non seulement un très grand chemin a été accompli au cours de ces mois passés à travailler ensemble, mais il m’a permis de me faire découvrir des clés que je conserverai avec moi tout au long de mon parcours professionnel, et ainsi me laisser connectée à mes valeurs, mes forces et mes objectifs.
Lorsque l’on me demande ce que cette expérience m’a apportée, j’aime à dire qu’il a réussi à me faire ouvrir des fenêtres mentales qui ne sont pas prêtes à se refermer! Des automatismes, des mécanismes cérébraux et des ancrages ont été installés durablement par le biais de tout ce travail d’accompagnement. C’est un coaching qui laisse des traces positives sur le long terme, et pas seulement juste un accompagnement de court terme.
Aujourd’hui ma transition professionnelle est amorcée et j’ai en main des outils précieux qu’il a réussi à me faire ressortir de moi-même pour pouvoir avancer vers ma nouvelle vision. Encore un très, très grand merci Davide pour ces mois de travail ensemble!

Marketing Director
I loved the approach. This happened at a crucial point in my personal and professional development. I do not naturally turn to my personal confidence but it has opened my eyes to what others can bring to me. The connection with my coach Davide was excellent. I was able to express certain things that I certainly could not have achieved or found by myself. Davide pushed me a lot into my thinking.
I frankly had not much expectations at the beginning so I jumped in the adventure a little backwards. I knew, however, that I needed help in getting clearer, getting the job done, entrusting myself, and Davide was clearly competent in that regard. I really liked all the workshops and especially the personalization of his approach. Davide has a superb listening, knows how to feel emotion and interrogation; he makes me perfectly at ease. Davide does not make any judgment, despite some assertions that are difficult to express. He really pushed me to go further with the exercises and he has naturally adapted to my style and personality. All done with great respect.
I now look to my next professional years with a different eye. I feel more confident in my strength and in what deeply characterizes me. In the end, it is up to me to make the decisions necessary for the future that belong to me. Patience, effort, and transparency, this is how I anticipate my next challenges.

Graphic Designer
La guidance de Davide est très inspirante.
Sous sa gouverne j'ai le gout de me surpasser et de faire ce qu'il faut pour atteindre mes objectifs. Son écoute, et sa méthode de coaching me transportent à chaque séance vers de nouveaux horizons. Je suis plus que satisfait des rencontres que nous avons ensemble. Longue vie à Aethos !

Application Operation Manager
Davide mi ha insegnato a trasformare ogni momento di negatività e passività in positività e azione attraverso numerose tecniche. Con Davide sono andato alla riscoperta e valorizzazione dei miei valori, lavorando su di me per superare le mie barriere e raggiungere i miei obbiettivi.
È stata un'esperienza fenomenale lavorare con Davide! Lui ha grande sensibilità e empatia.Il Life-Coaching è un'esperienza che consiglio a chiunque cerchi sempre di migliorarsi e Davide è un talentuoso e bravissimo coach che mette molta passione e professionalità nel suo lavoro.Grazie Davide per avermi aiutato a tirar fuori il meglio di me in ogni situazione!

Marketing Group Lead
I strongly recommend Davide as a coach. Davide was very dedicated to helping me identify my strengths and then worked with me to help me shape a holistic professional profile. This has been paramount in helping me not only to define my career, but to think outside of the box about what personal interest opportunities will enhance my life.
His coaching has also helped me to make some changes to the way I approach my life – helping me to identify ways to be happier, more effective and efficient at work, and how to strengthen my relationships with my network. Most of all, Davide helped me to feel confident and positive about what I have to offer to the world. Thank you! "

Sustainability Advisor
Une excellente expérience!
Davide a été formidable, à l'écoute, a su me poser les bonnes questions et m'a permis d'avancer et de dépasser mes peurs et de concrétiser mon projet. Il a été mon parachute dans cette chute libre de changement de carrière !
Un énorme MERCI !